Coinpanda can calculate crypto taxes for every country that uses one of the following supported cost basis methods:
FIFO - First In First Out - Most commonly used
LIFO - Last In First Out
HIFO - Highest In First Out
ACB - Average Cost Basis
Coinpanda also supports the following country-specific calculation methods:
The UK: Share Pool - incl. the same-day and 30-day rule
Canada: Adjusted Cost Base - incl. Superficial Loss Rule
Japan: TCB - Total Cost Basis
France: PFU - Prélèvement Forfaitaire Unique
Ireland: Irish FIFO
The country-specific calculation methods are only visible if you have set the correct Home Country on the Settings page. For example, if the home country is set to Canada, you will see these options for Cost Basis Method:
Supported jurisdictions by Coinpanda include, but are not limited to, the following countries:
USA, Canada
Australia, New Zealand
Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia
Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, Colombia
The UK, Ireland, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Malta, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary
You can contact your country's tax authority if you are unsure about which cost-basis method is allowed to use. The most common cost basis method is FIFO, but it could also be special tax rules in some countries that we are unaware of. Always consult a tax professional or lawyer if you have detailed questions!
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